Hold space for AAPI conversations


The following discussion guide is based on 20 hand-selected prompts and inquiries from the We Are More campaign, designed to facilitate discussion and exploration of the Asian and Pacific Islander experience. We’ve made it freely available to educators, activists, and allies who want to hold space for authentic conversations about and in support of the AAPI community.


Time: 15 - 45 minutes 

Total group size: 4 - 40

Small group size: 2 (pairs)


Before starting, decide whether you want to focus the group on a single prompt at a time (can be more focusing and aligning) or have the group explore many different prompts (more variety during the group discussion)

(2 mins) Break your group up into pairs and assign them a prompt. Designate the person who has eaten most recently as Person A and the other Person B. 

(6 mins) Have Person A read out loud the prompt and the topic. Have person A share for 2 minutes, switch to person B for 2 minutes, and offer a final 2 minutes of pair discussion.

(7 mins) Bring the group back and ask people to share any thoughts or reflections from their individual conversations.

Repeat with a new prompt (15 mins)


Prompts, Discussion Topics + Further Reading


Where do we go from here?

Actions to take in the face of anti-API bias and violence

Here’s How to Help Combat Anti-Asian Violence (time.com)


When will we be welcome, not just included?

Interracial friendships are still rare in America

Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends (washingtonpost.com)


How do we come together when there’s still so much pain?

The difficulties of healing when harm is ongoing

Cathy Park Hong on anti-Asian violence and unlearning internalized racism (vox.com)


Can I help shoulder your pain?

Supporting a community that’s hurting

Anti-Asian violence: Mental health check-ins on your friends isn't enough (theconversation.com)


When will you love us like you love our food?

The difference in treatment between Asian food and Asian people

How Americans pretend to love 'ethnic food' (washingtonpost.com)


When will you learn to tell us apart?

The link between faces and identity

Perspective | She’s Asian and female. But she’s not me. (washingtonpost.com)


When will you stop denying our humanity?

Ways in which Asian people have been dehumanized by society

The Atlanta Shooting and the Dehumanizing of Asian Women (newyorker.com)


When will you learn to say our names correctly?

The importance and sanctity of our names

The casual racism of mispronouncing an Asian person’s name (latimes.com)


When will we be safe?

Ways to create a feeling of security and protection

Compassion in Oakland: Hundreds Volunteer to Escort Elderly Asian Americans After Slew of Violent Attacks (diversityinc.com)


When will you see that we love this country too?

The history of API seen as being disloyal

Rep. Andy Kim On State Department Racism: 'My Own Government Questioned My Loyalty' (npr.org)


When will we get to be the boss?

How API professionals face the hurdles for advancement

The Overlooked Asian-American Glass Ceiling (fastcompany.com)


Someday we will speak without hesitation

A community learning to advocate for itself

Opinion: Asian-Americans must assume a louder role in fight toward racial progress (whyy.org)


Someday we will no longer harbor anti-blackness

A community grappling with its own racism against Black people

History and Asian American Response to Black Lives Matter (time.com)


When will you stop doing Asian accents?

How accents affect one’s outsider / insider status

The Soft Racism of Apu from “The Simpsons”


When will we get a seat at the table?

The complexity of API representation in politics

Are Asian Americans the Last Undecided Voters? (newyorker.com)


When will we get to be the hero?

The dearth of API representation in mass media

“Maybe We Need To Get More Pissed”: John Cho On Asian-Americans In Hollywood (fastcompany.com)


Someday our stories will be told

Unpacking the authentic experiences of the API community

The real secret to Asian American success was not education


Someday, our history will be taught

Telling the story of API’s in American history curriculum

Why the Asian-American Story Is Missing From U.S. Classrooms (time.com)


Someday we too will be American

The importance of citizenship to the API community

Asian Americans & Citizenship - Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) (google.com)


When will you stop turning away?

The impact of bystander intervention to support victims of harassment

Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian/American Harassment (hollaback.org)